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Showing posts from October, 2016

Religious Colonialism (illustrations from short stories and Myths)

To evaluate my assignment click here Name: - Yesha Bhatt M. Course: - M.A. English Semester: - 3 Batch : - 2015-2017 Enrolment no : - PG15101003 Submitted to : - Smt. S.B.Gardi Dept. of English MKBU Email id : - Paper no : - The Postcolonial Literature Topic : - Religious Colonialism (illustrations from short stories and Myths) Religious Colonialism           1)   What is colonialism?                   Colonialism contains various definitions, The Merriam-Webster Dictionary has four definitions and two of them are,      1.    “Something Characteristic of a colony”      2.    “Control by one power over a dependent area or people”                      The term colonialism is used for the process of European settlement and political control over the rest of the world, which clearly means that the power is superior and it controls weak people.            Religious Colonialism:                    If we take