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Gandhi – Is he a real “Mahatma”??

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Name: - Yesha Bhatt
Course: - M.A. English
Semester: - 2
Batch: - 2015-2017
Enrolment no:- PG15101003
Submitted to: - Smt. S.B.Gardi Dept. of English MKBU
Email id: -
Paper no: - 8 Cultural Studies
Topic: - Gandhi – Is he a real “Mahatma”??


     With the perspective of cultural critic - Mahatma Gandhi:

               Cultural critic observes everyday life with the spectacle of history, present and future. Observation takes facts and evidence by history, with new as well as contemporary terms and aspects of future. The process of cultural studies and criticism is, first taking a text, and while reading it there are such questions by critic, which can be answered by within the text by deconstruction and the culture of that time. While taking Mohandas Gandhi as text with the word “Mahatma” itself suggests the “Gandhian culture”. There are many controversial facts about Gandhi which has not any connection with freedom fighting movement but though it was in practice by him and silently accepted by everyone and in contemporary time followers of Gandhi used to hide it, but the question is why they are hiding? As a follower of Gandhi, Truth, they should accept that. It seems similar like banning on Nirbhaya documentary is saving the impression of India toward the world, but what about those Indians who has faced this or facing this every day?  So hiding the facts is bad though they are not good.
        In India Gandhiji is the father of nation. He has a place of God in the hearts of people. He has started the freedom fight for India and has played a very prominent role to make India free from British rule. He has gained success also with the help of other freedom fighters. When India got freedom, one Indian rather Hindu Nathuram Godse has shot him and he died on 30th of January 1947. He was believed in non-violence and truth, and he has followed these two aspects as his “dharma” as religion.
                                 This is the image of mahatma Gandhi in India as well as all over the world, and this is true also, but there is another truth also about him which is rarely spoken, and if it has spoken by someone, the person will be in prison or people would became angry and would take such action against the person and the person would be consider as anti-national.

§                            If they really love Gandhiji and respect him then why they forgot that Gandhji was against of violence. But for that kind of people Gandhiji do not matter but what matters are riots or to prove that they are in favour of nation actually they are not.
§  New historicists seek “surprising coincidence”, and see such cross cultural phenomena as texts in themselves. It is all about understand its “deep” ways, as opposed to distanced observation. To look the Gandhiji as a character of history we find many faults but when we take him as a “Father of Nation”, we could not do the analysis of his life.
            In his autobiography My Experiment with TruthMahatma Gandhi, he has accepted his faults as well he regrets for it too, but this all is a very safe and good part of the life of Gandhiji. In his autobiography he has told to world about his sexual urges, that how it has overwhelmed him that

“Two years later, as his father lay dying,
 Gandhi left his beside to have sex with Kasturbaa.
Meanwhile, his father drew his last breath.”

            This incident he has covered with two chapters of celibacy in his autobiography to present that he has won the evil in his life, but as truth revels the story, he did not won the evil but suppressed it.
            The image of Gandhiji which has construct by this book is a human with faults became mahatma, the great figure of nation by his own tapasya (hard work), But how far one can believe this after reading Manuben and Sushila Nayar’s diary. In her diary, she has written about her encounters with Gandhi.
              Later when he started the movement quit India, he used to live in ashram with his followers and at there, in the ashram there was a strict rule on how women and men or boys and girls have to live and behave. But the rules were different for Gandhiji. He used to encourage teenage boys and girls to bathe together naked but to talk about that was not allowed, it was a kind of a practice to win above sexual needs as per Gandhiji. In the book “Gandhi- naked ambition” has encounters Gandhiji’s experiments with not truth but sex and celibacy. In this book there is a reference of Sushila Nayar and how her experiences with Gandhiji,

“The rules did not, however apply to him. Sushila Nayar, the attractive sister of Gandhiji’s secretary, also his personal physician, attended Gandhiji from girlhood. She used to sleep and bathe with Gandhiji. When Gandhiji was asked about this and challenged, he explained how he ensured decency was not offended. “While she is bathing I keep my eyes tightly shut” he further said, “I don’t know… whether she bathes naked or with her underwear on. I cannot tell from the sound that she uses soap”

              The provision of such personal services to Gandhi was a much sought-after sign of his favour and aroused jealousy among the ashram inmates and many of them also have left the ashram. This can be consider as a very disgustingly among the Gandhiji’s bhaktas, but this is truth. One of our prime minister has said about Gandhiji that,

“Much of this material was known of his lifetime, but was distorted or suppressed after his death during the process of elevating Gandhi into the “Father of the Nation” was the mahatma, in fact, as the pre-independence prime minister of the Indian state of Travancore called him, “a most dangerous, semi-repressed sex maniac.”

             As per the article recently published about Manuben’s diaries says:

Manuben writes: “Bapu is a mother for me. He is initiating to a higher human plan through the brahmacharya (celibacy) experiments; part of his mahayagna of character building, any loose talk about the experiment is most condemnable. Pyarelal his secretary, endorse this view in mahatma Gandhi: the last phase, “he did for her everything that a mother usually does for her daughter. He supervised her education, her food, dress, rest, and sleep. For close supervision and guidance, he made her sleep in the same bed with him. Now a girl if her mind is innocent. Never feels embarrassment in sleeping with her mother.” She in turn, was the primary personal attendant massaging and bathing him as well as cooking for him.”
             As per the statement of Manuben and Pyarelal mentioned above one can notice that this is a clear attempt to hide the truth with a perfumed curtain, but the dirt behind it will putrid soon with strong stink.  This all matters and facts were banned by the government because of an Image of Gandhi, but this is not the good idea, destroying evidence itself suggests that Gandhiji has done something wrong which would not be accepted by Indians, as far as culture is concern.
Here is a photo of a news paper cutting which suggests Gandhi as manager of self image:

              But the question arise that, dose the sex life of Gandhiji really matters than his efforts in making India free? The answer can be No or Yes both, because as far as his personal life is concern he cannot be consider as Mahatma at all, but his leadership has gain freedom to India. The followers of Gandhi cannot digest this part of Gandhi’s life but where there is human there are faults and defects. As all human cannot consider Lord Ram as a perfect man, because he left his wife, especially when she was pregnant and not proved himself as a good husband. Though he is consider as a perfect man as far as religion is concern. Rama was non-vegetarian as per the original Ramayana but the followers of Rama cannot accept this and the history has such secrets which cannot be accepted because of such strong beliefs in human mind. Same with Lord Krishna, Lord Shiva and all the great leaders have such defects which cannot be neglected but it is their personal life, which should not be interrupted. The only problem with this is people follow a person at the level of worshiping, and for that they used to hide the things and tries to change the history, to hide facts of history should be considered as an anti-national act. No one comes with perfection in their life, we have to accept them with faults, and faults keep them “human”.

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