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Comparison of male and female characters in “The Sense of an Ending” - The New Literature

Name: - Yesha Bhatt M.
Course: - M.A. English
Semester: - 4
Batch: - 2015-2017
Enrolment no: - PG15101003
Submitted to: - Smt. S.B.Gardi Dept. of English MKBU
Email id: -
Paper no: - The New Literature

Topic: - Comparison of male and female characters in “The Sense of an Ending”

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        The novel “The Sense of an Ending” is written by Julian Patrick Barnes. He is an essayist, short story writer and a novelist. The book has published in 2011 and got Man Booker Prize in the same year. The book is a psychological thriller. There a love story and some life experiences of the protagonist Tony Webster. There is suspense in the novel about suicide of Adrian Finn and the junior Adrian’s mother.(Wikipedia)
        In the novel, we can observe that female characters are more powerful and mentally strong than male characters. If we compare these characters, we can observe that what are the weaknesses and strength of male and female characters. The most important thing is how the character of Veronica develops from a betrayed girlfriend to a mother figure for Adrian junior.

Comparison of male and female characters in the novel...



Veronica Ford

Tony Webster

Veronica Ford

Adrian Finn

Sara Ford

Adrian Finn

His unnamed girlfriend


Veronica and Tony Webster:
          Tony Webster and Veronica were in love with each other. She was from a High-class family and Tony was from middle-class family. Because of this reason, Veronica’s father was upset with Veronica and insulted Tony a lot. After Adrian’s arrival in Veronica’s life, she broke up with Tony and started spending her life with Adrian. 

        After few years we can observe a vast different in the character of Veronica. First, she was a girl and after these many years, she was a woman as well as mother. She has got maturity in her life after Adrian’s suicide and her mother’s death. She has taken care of Junior Adrian and proved herself a good mother and a noble woman. She was taking care of her boy friend and her mother’s child. This is not an easy step to take in life; she has faced difficult time when she came to know that his boyfriend and his mother booth are in a relationship.
        On the other hand, if we observe Tony and his behaviour he seems like the same boy he was in school. He is not able to understand anything that Veronica wants to tell you and ultimately Veronica gave up on him and told him that...

“You just don’t get it, do you? You never did, and you never will.”

       Tony is not able to understand what was happening in his and Veronica’s life. He used to concern Veronica a ‘woman of Mystery’.

“Of course, at times I’d been tempted to set her down as the woman of mystery, as opposed to the woman of clarity I married in Margaret. True, I hadn’t known where I was with her, couldn’t read her heart or her mind or her motivation.”

          He was also not able to understand Veronica and her desires and perhaps that can be the main reason of their break up and Veronica’s attraction towards Adrian. 
         If we observe Veronica’s behaviour, we can feel her hatred towards Tony. Her silence is the anger of her. There is one scene where Veronica is driving a car and Tony is sitting beside her. Tony asks questions but Veronica is preferring being silent rather than explaining everything. She wants Tony to understand everything as his own. She wants Tony to realize that what he has done indirectly. His one wrong suggestion to Adrian that he should consult Mrs. Sara Ford made Veronica and Adrian’s life a disaster. Veronica’s anger and her silence in the driving scene present her maturity.

   “So I waited till we had safely hurdled the bump and said,
“I wonder how many badges that chap’s got.” Silence. Speed bump.
“Do they all live in the same house?”
Silence. Speed bump.
“So pub night is Friday.”
Silence. Speed bump.
“Yes, we did go to Minster worth together. There was a moon that night.”
       Silence. Speed bump. Now we turned into the high street, with nothing but flat tarmac between us and the station, as far as I remembered.”
  We can observe her hatred and anger when she says,

“At least I had my seat belt on. This time Veronica’s parking technique consisted of getting both nearside wheels up on the kerb at a speed of about twenty miles an hour, then stamping on the brakes.
 “Out,” she said, staring ahead.
     I nodded, undid my seat belt, and slowly got out of the car. I held the door open longer than necessary, just to annoy her one last time, and said,
“You’ll ruin your tyres if you go on like that.”
The door was wrenched from my hand as she drove off.”
        Veronica comes out as a noble character from the girlfriend who betrayed his boyfriend. She can be seen as a mother who sacrificed her jealousy, anger, and pain just to take care of the mentally and physically deformed child. She has not married again and sacrificed her life for her love and the child. Veronica was fighter. She fought with worse circumstances of life and Tony was a man of destiny. As per him,
  What did I know of life, I who had lived so carefully? Who had neither won nor lost, but just let life happen to him? Who had the usual ambitions and settled all too quickly for them not being realised? Who avoided being hurt and called it a capacity for survival? Who paid his bills, stayed on good terms with everyone as far as possible, for whom ecstasy and despair soon became just words once read in novels? One whose self rebukes never really inflicted pain?”

Veronica and Adrian:

        Veronica broke up with Tony and started relationship with Adrian. Veronica has emerged has powerful character than Adrian. When Tony has narrated the story first, we come to know about the very powerful character of Adrian as a philosopher. He was an intelligent student with high thinking capacity. He was favourite among all teachers. We can find that by Tony’s narrative,

“Adrian Finn (22) had killed himself “while the balance of his mind was disturbed.”I remember how angry that conventional phrase made me: I would have sworn on oath that Adrian’s was the one mind which would never lose its balance.”
       The reality is quite different because Adrian was not able to manage the pain which life has given him. He was a father of his girlfriend’s mother’s child, in short he had an affair with his girlfriend’s mother, and that relationship has resulted in formation of a baby. The baby was mentally and physically deformed and Adrian was not able to handle this reality and suffering of a baby.  He has committed suicide with a perfect planning.

“He’d written his letter to the coroner, pinned a notice to the bathroom door reading “DO NOT ENTER—CALL POLICE—ADRIAN,” run a bath, locked the door, cut his wrists in the hot water, bled to death. He was found a day and a half later.”
      Veronica has not lost the hope. She has suffered a lot and at the end emerged as the great woman and a mother. She has not quit but she took responsibility of her brother Adrian junior.

Sara Ford and Adrian Finn:
       Sara Ford was Veronica’s mother and also a bit jealous with her. Mrs. Ford’s character seems villainous because she is jealous with Veronica and warns her boyfriends to take relationship with her. At the end, she seems more courageous because she has given a birth to Adrian’s child and she sent “Blood money” to Tony as a part of guilt. 

Robson and his girlfriend:
          Robson was a student in the same school where Adrian and Tony was studying. He has committed suicide because of her girlfriend’s pregnancy. At that time Adrian, Tony and their friends were blaming Robson for his act and considered him irresponsible. There is not any description about Robson’s girlfriend. However, we can guess that she must have survived. Robson had not the courage to take responsibility or to give a commitment of marriage. After few years, Adrian has also done the same. In the novel, these two males presented as escapists. Both have escaped from the situation (life) when they and their loved one were in trouble.

        After comparison of male and female characters, we can get an idea that female characters have taken good stand than male characters. All males including Tony and Mr. Ford not much involved in difficult situation than all female characters. The more courageous woman is Veronica and then we can consider Mrs. Sara Ford as a brave one though she has negative aspects. 

          Tony has never taken any important thing seriously. He has driven by destiny all the time. He is not weak but he is man with average thinking capacity. He has not any big life goals and may be that is why he was happy in his life in the beginning of the novel. All female characters have designed their destiny by their own choice. Tony’s wife Margret is also an important female character because she is supporting her ex-husband even after divorced and they are good friends. Thus, we can say that Barnes has depicted 21st century women in his novel. 


Barnes, Julian. "The sense of an Ending." Barnes, Julian. The sense of an Ending. 2011.



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